Vocabulary : Compounding to Comprehensibly

Compounding : of Compound
Comprador : A kind of steward or agent.
Comprecation : A praying together.
Comprehend : To contain; to embrace; to include; as, the states comprehended in the Austrian Empire. ;; To take in or include by construction or implication; to comprise; to imply. ;; To take into the mind; to grasp with the understanding; to apprehend the meaning of; to understand.
Comprehended : of Comprehend
Comprehending : of Comprehend
Comprehensibility : The quality or state of being comprehensible; capability of being understood.
Comprehensible : Capable of being comprehended, included, or comprised. ;; Capable of being understood; intelligible; conceivable by the mind.
Comprehensibleness : The quality of being comprehensible; comprehensibility.
Comprehensibly : With great extent of signification; comprehensively. ;; Intelligibly; in a manner to be comprehended or understood.
Next : Comprehension, Comprehensive, Comprehensively, Comprehensiveness, Comprehensor, Compress, Compressed, Compressed yeast, Compressibility, Compressible
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