Vocabulary : Compressibleness to Comprise
Compressibleness : The quality of being compressible; compressibility.
Compressing : of Compress
Compression : The act of compressing, or state of being compressed.
Compression projectile : A projectile constructed so as to take the grooves of a rifle by means of a soft copper band firmly attached near its base or, formerly, by means of an envelope of soft metal. In small arms the modern projectile, having a soft core and harder jacket, is subjected to compression throughout the entire cylindrical part.
Compressive : Compressing, or having power or tendency to compress; as, a compressive force.
Compressor : Anything which serves to compress ;; A muscle that compresses certain parts. ;; An instrument for compressing an artery (esp., the femoral artery) or other part. ;; An apparatus for confining or flattening between glass plates an object to be examined with the microscope; -- called also compressorium. ;; A machine for compressing gases; especially, an air compressor.
Compressure : Compression.
Comprint : To print together. ;; To print surreptitiously a work belonging to another. ;; The surreptitious printing of another's copy or book; a work thus printed.
Comprisal : The act of comprising or comprehending; a compendium or epitome.
Comprise : To comprehend; to include.
: Comprised, Comprising, Comprobate, Comprobation, Compromise, Compromised, Compromiser, Compromising, Compromissorial, Compromit
: Comprehension, Comprehensive, Comprehensively, Comprehensiveness, Comprehensor, Compress, Compressed, Compressed yeast, Compressibility, Compressible
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary