Vocabulary : Comptometer to Compulsorily
Comptometer : A calculating machine; an arithmometer.
Comptrol : See Control.
Comptroler : A controller; a public officer whose duty it is to examine certify accounts.
Compulsative : Compulsatory.
Compulsatively : By compulsion.
Compulsatory : Operating with force; compelling; forcing; constraining; resulting from, or enforced by, compulsion.
Compulsion : The act of compelling, or the state of being compelled; the act of driving or urging by force or by physical or moral constraint; subjection to force.
Compulsive : Having power to compel; exercising or applying compulsion.
Compulsively : By compulsion; by force.
Compulsorily : In a compulsory manner; by force or constraint.
: Compulsory, Compunct, Compunction, Compunctionless, Compunctious, Compunctiously, Compunctive, Compurgation, Compurgator, Compurgatorial
: Compromitted, Compromitting, Comprovincial, Compsognathus, Compt, Compte rendu, Compter, Comptible, Comptly, Comptograph
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary