Vocabulary : Concaveness to Concealed
Concaveness : Hollowness; concavity.
Concaving : of Concave
Concavities : of Concavity
Concavity : A concave surface, or the space bounded by it; the state of being concave.
Concavo-concave : Concave or hollow on both sides; double concave.
Concavo-convex : Concave on one side and convex on the other, as an eggshell or a crescent. ;; Specifically, having such a combination of concave and convex sides as makes the focal axis the shortest line between them. See Illust. under Lens.
Concavous : Concave.
Conceal : To hide or withdraw from observation; to cover; to cover or keep from sight; to prevent the discovery of; to withhold knowledge of.
Concealable : Capable of being concealed.
Concealed : of Conceal ;; Hidden; kept from sight; secreted.
: Concealer, Concealing, Concealment, Concede, Conceded, Conceding, Conceit, Conceited, Conceitedly, Conceitedness
: Concamerate, Concameration, Concatenate, Concatenated, Concatenating, Concatenation, Concause, Concavation, Concave, Concaved
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary