Vocabulary : Conception to Concerned
Conception : The act of conceiving in the womb; the initiation of an embryonic animal life. ;; The state of being conceived; beginning. ;; The power or faculty of apprehending of forming an idea in the mind; the power of recalling a past sensation or perception. ;; The formation in the mind of an image, idea, or notion, apprehension. ;; The image, idea, or notion of any action or thing which is formed in the mind; a concept; a notion; a universal; the product of a rational belief or judgment. See Concept. ;; Idea; purpose; design. ;; Conceit; affected sentiment or thought.
Conceptional : Pertaining to conception.
Conceptionalist : A conceptualist.
Conceptious : Apt to conceive; fruitful.
Conceptive : Capable of conceiving.
Conceptual : Pertaining to conception.
Conceptualism : A theory, intermediate between realism and nominalism, that the mind has the power of forming for itself general conceptions of individual or single objects.
Conceptualist : One who maintains the theory of conceptualism.
Concern : To relate or belong to; to have reference to or connection with; to affect the interest of; to be of importance to. ;; To engage by feeling or sentiment; to interest; as, a good prince concerns himself in the happiness of his subjects. ;; To be of importance. ;; That which relates or belongs to one; business; affair. ;; That which affects the welfare or happiness; interest; moment. ;; Interest in, or care for, any person or thing; regard; solicitude; anxiety. ;; Persons connected in business; a firm and its business; as, a banking concern.
Concerned : of Concern ;; Disturbed; troubled; solicitous; as, to be much concerned for the safety of a friend.
: Concernedly, Concerning, Concert, Concert of Europe, Concert of the powers, Concertante, Concertation, Concertative, Concerted, Concertina
: Concentric, Concentrical, Concentrically, Concentricity, Concentring, Concentual, Concept, Conceptacle, Conceptibility, Conceptible
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary