Vocabulary : Conchylious to Conciliated
Conchylious : Conchylaceous.
Conciator : The person who weighs and proportions the materials to be made into glass, and who works and tempers them.
Concierge : One who keeps the entrance to an edifice, public or private; a doorkeeper; a janitor, male or female.
Conciergerie : The office or lodge of a concierge or janitor. ;; A celebrated prison, attached to the Palais de Justice in Paris.
Conciliable : A small or private assembly, especially of an ecclesiastical nature. ;; Capable of being conciliated or reconciled.
Conciliabule : An obscure ecclesiastical council; a conciliable.
Conciliar : Alt. of Conciliary
Conciliary : Of or pertaining to, or issued by, a council.
Conciliate : To win ower; to gain from a state of hostility; to gain the good will or favor of; to make friendly; to mollify; to propitiate; to appease.
Conciliated : of Conciliate
: Conciliating, Conciliation, Conciliative, Conciliator, Conciliatory, Concinnate, Concinnity, Concinnous, Concionate, Concionator
: Conchologist, Conchology, Conchometer, Conchometry, Concho-spiral, Conchylaceous, Conchyliaceous, Conchyliologist, Conchyliology, Conchyliometry
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary