Vocabulary : Conclusively to Concolor

Conclusively : In the way of conclusion; decisively; positively.
Conclusiveness : The quality of being conclusive; decisiveness.
Conclusory : Conclusive.
Concoct : To digest; to convert into nourishment by the organs of nutrition. ;; To purify or refine chemically. ;; To prepare from crude materials, as food; to invent or prepare by combining different ingredients; as, to concoct a new dish or beverage. ;; To digest in the mind; to devise; to make up; to contrive; to plan; to plot. ;; To mature or perfect; to ripen.
Concocted : of Concoct
Concocter : One who concocts.
Concocting : of Concoct
Concoction : A change in food produced by the organs of nutrition; digestion. ;; The act of concocting or preparing by combining different ingredients; also, the food or compound thus prepared. ;; The act of digesting in the mind; planning or devising; rumination. ;; Abatement of a morbid process, as a fever and return to a normal condition. ;; The act of perfecting or maturing.
Concoctive : Having the power of digesting or ripening; digestive.
Concolor : Of the same color; of uniform color.
Next : Concolorous, Concomitance, Concomitancy, Concomitant, Concomitantly, Concord, Concord buggy, Concordable, Concordance, Concordancy
Previous : Conclude, Concluded, Concludency, Concludent, Concluder, Concluding, Concludingly, Conclusible, Conclusion, Conclusive
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