Vocabulary : Condescendency to Condiment
Condescendency : Condescension.
Condescending : of Condescend
Condescendingly : In a condescending manner.
Condescension : The act of condescending; voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in intercourse with an inferior; courtesy toward inferiors.
Condescent : An act of condescension.
Condign : Worthy; suitable; deserving; fit. ;; Deserved; adequate; suitable to the fault or crime.
Condignity : Merit, acquired by works, which can claim reward on the score of general benevolence.
Condignly : According to merit.
Condignness : Agreeableness to deserts; suitableness.
Condiment : Something used to give relish to food, and to gratify the taste; a pungment and appetizing substance, as pepper or mustard; seasoning.
: Condisciple, Condite, Condition, Conditional, Conditionality, Conditionally, Conditionate, Conditioned, Conditioning, Conditionly
: Condensative, Condense, Condensed, Condenser, Condensible, Condensing, Conder, Condescend, Condescended, Condescendence
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary