Vocabulary : Confalon to Confectioners' sugar
Confalon : One of a fraternity of seculars, also called Penitents.
Confarreation : A form of marriage among the Romans, in which an offering of bread was made, in presence of the high priest and at least ten witnesses.
Confated : Fated or decreed with something else.
Confect : To prepare, as sweetmeats; to make a confection of. ;; To construct; to form; to mingle or mix. ;; A comfit; a confection.
Confected : of Confect
Confecting : of Confect
Confection : A composition of different materials. ;; A preparation of fruits or roots, etc., with sugar; a sweetmeat. ;; A composition of drugs. ;; A soft solid made by incorporating a medicinal substance or substances with sugar, sirup, or honey.
Confectionary : A confectioner. ;; Prepared as a confection.
Confectioner : A compounder. ;; One whose occupation it is to make or sell confections, candies, etc.
Confectioners' sugar : A highly refined sugar in impalpable powder, esp. suited to confectioners' uses.
: Confectionery, Confectory, Confecture, Confeder, Confederacies, Confederacy, Confederate, Confederated, Confederater, Confederating
: Conepate, Conepatl, Conestoga wagon, Coney, Confab, Confabulate, Confabulated, Confabulating, Confabulation, Confabulatory
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary