Vocabulary : Congealedness to Congenerous
Congealedness : The state of being congealed.
Congealing : of Congeal
Congealment : The act or the process of congealing; congeliation. ;; That which is formed by congelation; a clot.
Congee : See Conge, Conge. ;; Boiled rice; rice gruel. ;; A jail; a lockup.
Congelation : The act or process of passing, or causing to pass, from a fluid to a solid state, as by the abstraction of heat; the act or process of freezing. ;; The state of being congealed. ;; That which is congealed.
Congener : A thing of the same genus, species, or kind; a thing allied in nature, character, or action.
Congeneracy : Similarity of origin; affinity.
Congeneric : Alt. of Congenerical
Congenerical : Belonging to the same genus; allied in origin, nature, or action.
Congenerous : Allied in origin or cause; congeneric; as, congenerous diseases.
: Congenial, Congeniality, Congenialize, Congenially, Congenialness, Congenious, Congenital, Congenitally, Congenite, Conger
: Confuted, Confutement, Confuter, Confuting, Cong, Conge, Congeable, Congeal, Congealable, Congealed
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary