Vocabulary : Congruency to Conic
Congruency : Congruence.
Congruent : Possessing congruity; suitable; agreeing; corresponding.
Congruism : See Congruity.
Congruities : of Congruity
Congruity : The state or quality of being congruous; the relation or agreement between things; fitness; harmony; correspondence; consistency. ;; Coincidence, as that of lines or figures laid over one another. ;; That, in an imperfectly good persons, which renders it suitable for God to bestow on him gifts of grace.
Congruous : Suitable or concordant; accordant; fit; harmonious; correspondent; consistent.
Congruously : In a congruous manner.
Conhydrine : A vegetable alkaloid found with conine in the poison hemlock (Conium maculatum). It is a white crystalline substance, C8H17NO, easily convertible into conine.
Conia : Same as Conine.
Conic : Alt. of Conical ;; A conic section.
: Conical, Conicality, Conically, Conicalness, Conico-, Conicoid, Conics, Conida, Conidium, Conifer
: Congresses, Congression, Congressional, Congressive, Congressman, Congressmen, Congreve, Congreve rocket, Congrue, Congruence
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary