Vocabulary : Consanguineous to Conscientiousness
Consanguineous : Of the same blood; related by birth; descended from the same parent or ancestor.
Consanguinity : The relation of persons by blood, in distinction from affinity or relation by marriage; blood relationship; as, lineal consanguinity; collateral consanguinity.
Consarcination : A patching together; patchwork.
Conscience : Knowledge of one's own thoughts or actions; consciousness. ;; The faculty, power, or inward principle which decides as to the character of one's own actions, purposes, and affections, warning against and condemning that which is wrong, and approving and prompting to that which is right; the moral faculty passing judgment on one's self; the moral sense. ;; The estimate or determination of conscience; conviction or right or duty. ;; Tenderness of feeling; pity.
Conscienced : Having a conscience.
Conscienceless : Without conscience; indifferent to conscience; unscrupulous.
Conscient : Conscious.
Conscientious : Influenced by conscience; governed by a strict regard to the dictates of conscience, or by the known or supposed rules of right and wrong; -- said of a person. ;; Characterized by a regard to conscience; conformed to the dictates of conscience; -- said of actions.
Conscientiously : In a conscientious manner; as a matter of conscience; hence; faithfully; accurately; completely.
Conscientiousness : The quality of being conscientious; a scrupulous regard to the dictates of conscience.
: Conscionable, Conscionableness, Conscionably, Conscious, Consciously, Consciousness, Conscribe, Conscript, Conscription, Consecrate
: Conquer, Conquerable, Conquered, Conqueress, Conquering, Conqueror, Conquest, Conquian, Consanguineal, Consanguined
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary