Vocabulary : Consecrated to Consecution
Consecrated : of Consecrate
Consecrater : Consecrator.
Consecrating : of Consecrate
Consecration : The act or ceremony of consecrating; the state of being consecrated; dedication.
Consecrator : One who consecrates; one who performs the rites by which a person or thing is devoted or dedicated to sacred purposes.
Consecratory : Of or pertaining to the act of consecration; dedicatory.
Consectaneous : Following as a matter of course.
Consectary : Following by consequence; consequent; deducible. ;; That which follows by consequence or is logically deducible; deduction from premises; corollary.
Consecute : To follow closely; to endeavor to overtake; to pursue.
Consecution : A following, or sequel; actual or logical dependence. ;; A succession or series of any kind.
: Consecutive, Consecutively, Consecutiveness, Consension, Consensual, Consensus, Consent, Consentaneity, Consentaneous, Consentant
: Conscionable, Conscionableness, Conscionably, Conscious, Consciously, Consciousness, Conscribe, Conscript, Conscription, Consecrate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary