Vocabulary : Conservativeness to Consider
Conservativeness : The quality of being conservative.
Conservatoire : A public place of instruction in any special branch, esp. music and the arts. [See Conservatory, 3].
Conservator : One who preserves from injury or violation; a protector; a preserver. ;; An officer who has charge of preserving the public peace, as a justice or sheriff. ;; One who has an official charge of preserving the rights and privileges of a city, corporation, community, or estate.
Conservatory : Having the quality of preserving from loss, decay, or injury. ;; That which preserves from injury. ;; A place for preserving anything from loss, decay, waste, or injury; particulary, a greenhouse for preserving exotic or tender plants. ;; A public place of instruction, designed to preserve and perfect the knowledge of some branch of science or art, esp. music.
Conservatrix : A woman who preserves from loss, injury, etc.
Conserve : To keep in a safe or sound state; to save; to preserve; to protect. ;; To prepare with sugar, etc., for the purpose of preservation, as fruits, etc.; to make a conserve of. ;; Anything which is conserved; especially, a sweetmeat prepared with sugar; a confection. ;; A medicinal confection made of freshly gathered vegetable substances mixed with finely powdered refined sugar. See Confection. ;; A conservatory.
Conserved : of Conserve
Conserver : One who conserves.
Conserving : of Conserve
Consider : To fix the mind on, with a view to a careful examination; to think on with care; to ponder; to study; to meditate on. ;; To look at attentively; to observe; to examine. ;; To have regard to; to take into view or account; to pay due attention to; to respect. ;; To estimate; to think; to regard; to view. ;; To think seriously; to make examination; to reflect; to deliberate. ;; To hesitate.
: Considerable, Considerableness, Considerably, Considerance, Considerate, Consideration, Considerative, Considerator, Considered, Considerer
: Consequentialness, Consequently, Consertion, Conservable, Conservancy, Conservant, Conservation, Conservational, Conservatism, Conservative
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary