Vocabulary : Consonantal to Consorted
Consonantal : Of the nature of a consonant; pertaining to consonants.
Consonantize : To change into, or use as, a consonant.
Consonantly : In a consonant, consistent, or congruous manner; agreeably.
Consonantness : The quality or condition of being consonant, agreeable, or consistent.
Consonous : Agreeing in sound; symphonious.
Consopiation : The act of sleeping, or of lulling, to sleep.
Consopite : Lulled to sleep. ;; To lull to sleep; to quiet; to compose.
Consort : One who shares the lot of another; a companion; a partner; especially, a wife or husband. ;; A ship keeping company with another. ;; Concurrence; conjunction; combination; association; union. ;; An assembly or association of persons; a company; a group; a combination. ;; Harmony of sounds; concert, as of musical instruments. ;; To unite or to keep company; to associate; -- used with with. ;; To unite or join, as in affection, harmony, company, marriage, etc.; to associate. ;; To attend; to accompany.
Consortable : Suitable for association or companionship.
Consorted : of Consort
: Consorting, Consortion, Consortship, Consound, Conspecific, Conspectuities, Conspectuity, Conspectus, Conspersion, Conspicuity
: Consolidated, Consolidating, Consolidation, Consolidative, Consoling, Consols, Consomme, Consonance, Consonancy, Consonant
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary