Vocabulary : Contentless to Conterranean
Contentless : Discontented; dissatisfied.
Contently : In a contented manner.
Contentment : The state of being contented or satisfied; content. ;; The act or process of contenting or satisfying; as, the contentment of avarice is impossible. ;; Gratification; pleasure; satisfaction.
Contents : of Content ;; See Content, n.
Conterminable : Having the same bounds; terminating at the same time or place; conterminous.
Conterminal : Conterminous.
Conterminant : Having the same limits; ending at the same time; conterminous.
Conterminate : Having the same bounds; conterminous.
Conterminous : Having the same bounds, or limits; bordering upon; contiguous.
Conterranean : Alt. of Conterraneous
: Conterraneous, Contertionist, Contes, Contesseration, Contest, Contestable, Contestant, Contestation, Contested, Contesting
: Contender, Contending, Contendress, Contenement, Content, Contentation, Contented, Contentful, Contention, Contentious
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary