Vocabulary : Contrastimulant to Contravention
Contrastimulant : Counteracting the effects of stimulants; relating to a course of medical treatment based on a theory of contrastimulants. ;; An agent which counteracts the effect of a stimulant.
Contrasting : of Contrast
Contrate : Having cogs or teeth projecting parallel to the axis, instead of radiating from it.
Contratenor : Counter tenor; contralto.
Contravallation : A trench guarded with a parapet, constructed by besiegers, to secure themselves and check sallies of the besieged.
Contravene : To meet in the way of opposition; to come into conflict with; to oppose; to contradict; to obstruct the operation of; to defeat. ;; To violate; to nullify; to be inconsistent with; as, to contravene a law.
Contravened : of Contravene
Contravener : One who contravenes.
Contravening : of Contravene
Contravention : The act of contravening; opposition; obstruction; transgression; violation.
: Contraversion, Contrayerva, Contrecoup, Contredanse, Contretemps, Contributable, Contributary, Contribute, Contributed, Contributer
: Contrarily, Contrariness, Contrarious, Contrariously, Contrariwise, Contrarotation, Contrarry, Contrary, Contrast, Contrasted
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary