Vocabulary : Controversary to Controversy
Controversary : Controversial.
Controverse : Controversy. ;; To dispute; to controvert.
Controverser : A disputant.
Controversial : Relating to, or consisting of, controversy; disputatious; polemical; as, controversial divinity.
Controversialist : One who carries on a controversy; a disputant.
Controversially : In a controversial manner.
Controversies : of Controversy
Controversion : Act of controverting; controversy.
Controversor : A controverser.
Controversy : Contention; dispute; debate; discussion; agitation of contrary opinions. ;; Quarrel; strife; cause of variance; difference. ;; A suit in law or equity; a question of right.
: Controvert, Controverted, Controverter, Controvertible, Controverting, Controvertist, Contubernal, Contubernial, Contumacies, Contumacious
: Control, Controllability, Controllable, Controllableness, Controlled, Controller, Controllership, Controlling, Controlment, Controversal
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary