Vocabulary : Convallamarin to Convene

Convallamarin : A white, crystalline, poisonous substance, regarded as a glucoside, extracted from the lily of the valley (Convallaria Majalis). Its taste is first bitter, then sweet.
Convallaria : The lily of the valley.
Convallarin : A white, crystalline glucoside, of an irritating taste, extracted from the convallaria or lily of the valley.
Convection : The act or process of conveying or transmitting. ;; A process of transfer or transmission, as of heat or electricity, by means of currents in liquids or gases, resulting from changes of temperature and other causes.
Convective : Caused or accomplished by convection; as, a convective discharge of electricity.
Convectively : In a convective manner.
Convellent : Tending to tear or pull up.
Convenable : Capable of being convened or assembled. ;; Consistent; accordant; suitable; proper; as, convenable remedies.
Convenance : That which is suitable, agreeable, or convenient.
Convene : To come together; to meet; to unite. ;; To come together, as in one body or for a public purpose; to meet; to assemble. ;; To cause to assemble; to call together; to convoke. ;; To summon judicially to meet or appear.
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