Vocabulary : Conveyable to Convicinities

Conveyable : Capable of being conveyed or transferred.
Conveyance : The act of conveying, carrying, or transporting; carriage. ;; The instrument or means of carrying or transporting anything from place to place; the vehicle in which, or means by which, anything is carried from one place to another; as, stagecoaches, omnibuses, etc., are conveyances; a canal or aqueduct is a conveyance for water. ;; The act or process of transferring, transmitting, handing down, or communicating; transmission. ;; The act by which the title to property, esp. real estate, is transferred; transfer of ownership; an instrument in writing (as a deed or mortgage), by which the title to property is conveyed from one person to another. ;; Dishonest management, or artifice.
Conveyancer : One whose business is to draw up conveyances of property, as deeds, mortgages, leases, etc.
Conveyancing : The business of a conveyancer; the act or business of drawing deeds, leases, or other writings, for transferring the title to property from one person to another.
Conveyed : of Convey
Conveyer : One who, or that which, conveys or carries, transmits or transfers. ;; One given to artifices or secret practices; a juggler; a cheat; a thief.
Conveying : of Convey
Conveyor : A contrivance for carrying objects from place to place; esp., one for conveying grain, coal, etc., -- as a spiral or screw turning in a pipe or trough, an endless belt with buckets, or a truck running along a rope.
Conviciate : To utter reproaches; to raise a clamor; to rail.
Convicinities : of Convicinity
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