Vocabulary : Convulsing to Cony-catcher
Convulsing : of Convulse
Convulsion : An unnatural, violent, and unvoluntary contraction of the muscular parts of an animal body. ;; Any violent and irregular motion or agitation; a violent shaking; a tumult; a commotion.
Convulsional : Pertaining to, or having, convulsions; convulsionary.
Convulsionary : Pertaining to convulsion; convulsive. ;; A convulsionist.
Convulsionist : One who has convulsions; esp., one of a body of fanatics in France, early in the eighteenth century, who went into convulsions under the influence of religious emotion; as, the Convulsionists of St. Medard.
Convulsive : Producing, or attended with, convulsions or spasms; characterized by convulsions; convulsionary.
Convulsively : in a convulsive manner.
Cony : A rabbit, esp., the European rabbit (Lepus cuniculus) ;; The chief hare. ;; A simpleton. ;; An important edible West Indian fish (Epinephelus apua); the hind of Bermuda. ;; A local name of the burbot.
Cony-catch : To deceive; to cheat; to trick.
Cony-catcher : A cheat; a sharper; a deceiver.
: Conylene, Conyrine, Coo, Cooed, Cooee, Cooeed, Cooeeing, Cooey, Cooeyed, Cooeying
: Convolvulaceous, Convolvuli, Convolvulin, Convolvulus, Convoy, Convoy pennant, Convoyed, Convoying, Convulse, Convulsed
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary