Vocabulary : Copper-faced to Copperworm

Copper-faced : Faced or covered with copper; as, copper-faced type.
Copper-fastened : Fastened with copper bolts, as the planks of ships, etc.; as, a copper-fastened ship.
Copperhead : A poisonous American serpent (Ancistrodon conotortrix), closely allied to the rattlesnake, but without rattles; -- called also copper-belly, and red viper. ;; A nickname applied to a person in the Northern States who sympathized with the South during the Civil War.
Coppering : of Copper ;; The act of covering with copper. ;; An envelope or covering of copper.
Copperish : Containing, or partaking of the nature of, copper; like copper; as, a copperish taste.
Copper-nickel : Niccolite.
Copper-nose : A red nose.
Copperplate : A plate of polished copper on which a design or writing is engraved. ;; An impression on paper taken from such a plate.
Coppersmith : One whose occupation is to manufacture copper utensils; a worker in copper.
Copperworm : The teredo; -- so called because it injures the bottoms of vessels, where not protected by copper. ;; The ringworm.
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