Vocabulary : Correctable to Correctly
Correctable : Capable of being corrected.
Corrected : of Correct
Correctible : Alt. of Correctable
Correctify : To correct.
Correcting : of Correct
Correction : The act of correcting, or making that right which was wrong; change for the better; amendment; rectification, as of an erroneous statement. ;; The act of reproving or punishing, or that which is intended to rectify or to cure faults; punishment; discipline; chastisement. ;; That which is substituted in the place of what is wrong; an emendation; as, the corrections on a proof sheet should be set in the margin. ;; Abatement of noxious qualities; the counteraction of what is inconvenient or hurtful in its effects; as, the correction of acidity in the stomach. ;; An allowance made for inaccuracy in an instrument; as, chronometer correction; compass correction.
Correctional : Tending to, or intended for, correction; used for correction; as, a correctional institution.
Correctioner : One who is, or who has been, in the house of correction.
Corrective : Having the power to correct; tending to rectify; as, corrective penalties. ;; Qualifying; limiting. ;; That which has the power of correcting, altering, or counteracting what is wrong or injurious; as, alkalies are correctives of acids; penalties are correctives of immoral conduct. ;; Limitation; restriction.
Correctly : In a correct manner; exactly; acurately; without fault or error.
: Correctness, Corrector, Correctory, Correctress, Corregidor, Correi, Correlatable, Correlate, Correlated, Correlating
: Corrade, Corradial, Corradiate, Corradiation, Corral, Corraled, Corralling, Corrasion, Corrasive, Correct
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary