Vocabulary : Correlation to Correspondence school

Correlation : Reciprocal relation; corresponding similarity or parallelism of relation or law; capacity of being converted into, or of giving place to, one another, under certain conditions; as, the correlation of forces, or of zymotic diseases.
Correlative : Having or indicating a reciprocal relation. ;; One who, or that which, stands in a reciprocal relation, or is correlated, to some other person or thing. ;; The antecedent of a pronoun.
Correlatively : In a correlative relation.
Correlativeness : Quality of being correlative.
Correligionist : A co-religion/ist.
Correption : Chiding; reproof; reproach.
Correspond : To be like something else in the dimensions and arrangement of its parts; -- followed by with or to; as, concurring figures correspond with each other throughout. ;; To be adapted; to be congruous; to suit; to agree; to fit; to answer; -- followed by to. ;; To have intercourse or communion; especially, to hold intercourse or to communicate by sending and receiving letters; -- followed by with.
Corresponded : of Correspond
Correspondence : Friendly intercourse; reciprocal exchange of civilities; especially, intercourse between persons by means of letters. ;; The letters which pass between correspondents. ;; Mutual adaptation, relation, or agreement, of one thing to another; agreement; congruity; fitness; relation.
Correspondence school : A school that teaches by correspondence, the instruction being based on printed instruction sheets and the recitation papers written by the student in answer to the questions or requirements of these sheets. In the broadest sense of the term correspondence school may be used to include any educational institution or department for instruction by correspondence, as in a university or other educational bodies, but the term is commonly applied to various educational institutions organized on a commercial basis, some of which offer a large variety of courses in general and technical subjects, conducted by specialists.
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