Vocabulary : Cosignificative to Cosmical

Cosignificative : Having the same signification.
Cosignitaries : of Cosignitary
Cosignitary : Signing some important public document with another or with others; as, a treaty violated by one of the cosignitary powers. ;; One who signs a treaty or public document along with others or another; as, the cosignitaries of the treaty of Berlin.
Cosily : See Cozily.
Cosinage : Collateral relationship or kindred by blood; consanguinity. ;; A writ to recover possession of an estate in lands, when a stranger has entered, after the death of the grandfather's grandfather, or other distant collateral relation.
Cosine : The sine of the complement of an arc or angle. See Illust. of Functions.
Cosmetic : Alt. of Cosmetical ;; Any external application intended to beautify and improve the complexion.
Cosmetical : Imparting or improving beauty, particularly the beauty of the complexion; as, a cosmetical preparation.
Cosmic : Alt. of Cosmical
Cosmical : Pertaining to the universe, and having special reference to universal law or order, or to the one grand harmonious system of things; hence; harmonious; orderly. ;; Pertaining to the solar system as a whole, and not to the earth alone. ;; Characteristic of the cosmos or universe; inconceivably great; vast; as, cosmic speed. ;; Rising or setting with the sun; -- the opposite of acronycal.
Next : Cosmically, Cosmogonal, Cosmogonic, Cosmogonical, Cosmogonies, Cosmogonist, Cosmogony, Cosmographer, Cosmographic, Cosmographical
Previous : Cosecant, Cosen, Cosenage, Cosening, Cosentient, Cosey, Cosher, Cosherer, Coshering, Cosier
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