Vocabulary : Cotquean to Cottar
Cotquean : A man who busies himself with affairs which properly belong to women. ;; A she-cuckold; a cucquean; a henhussy.
Cotqueanity : The condition, character, or conduct of a cotquean.
Cotrustee : A joint trustee.
Cotswold : An open country abounding in sheepcotes, as in the Cotswold hills, in Gloucestershire, England.
Cotta : A surplice, in England and America usually one shorter and less full than the ordinary surplice and with short sleeves, or sometimes none. ;; A kind of very coarse woolen blanket.
Cottage : A small house; a cot; a hut.
Cottaged : Set or covered with cottages.
Cottagely : Cottagelike; suitable for a cottage; rustic.
Cottager : One who lives in a cottage. ;; One who lives on the common, without paying any rent, or having land of his own.
Cottar : A cottager; a cottier.
: Cotter, Cottier, Cottise, Cottised, Cottoid, Cottolene, Cotton, Cotton batting, Cotton seed, Cotton State
: Cothurnated, Cothurnus, Coticular, Cotidal, Cotillion, Cotillon, Cotinga, Cotise, Cotised, Cotland
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary