Vocabulary : Counterflory to Counterirritation
Counterflory : Adorned with flowers (usually fleurs-de-lis) so divided that the tops appear on one side and the bottoms on the others; -- said of any ordinary.
Counterfoil : That part of a tally, formerly in the exchequer, which was kept by an officer in that court, the other, called the stock, being delivered to the person who had lent the king money on the account; -- called also counterstock. ;; The part of a writing (as the stub of a bank check) in which are noted the main particulars contained in the corresponding part, which has been issued.
Counterforce : An opposing force.
Counterfort : A kind of buttress of masonry to strengthen a revetment wall. ;; A spur or projection of a mountain.
Countergage : An adjustable gage, with double points for transferring measurements from one timber to another, as the breadth of a mortise to the place where the tenon is to be made.
Counterglow : An exceedingly faint roundish or somewhat oblong nebulous light near the ecliptic and opposite the sun, best seen during September and October, when in the constellations Sagittarius and Pisces. Its cause is not yet understood. Called also Gegenschein.
Counterguard : A low outwork before a bastion or ravelin, consisting of two lines of rampart parallel to the faces of the bastion, and protecting them from a breaching fire.
Counterirritant : Alt. of Counterirritation
Counterirritate : To produce counter irritation in; to treat with one morbid process for the purpose of curing another.
Counterirritation : See Counter irritant, etc., under Counter, a.
: Counterjumper, Counterlath, Counterman, Countermand, Countermandable, Countermanded, Countermanding, Countermarch, Countermarched, Countermarching
: Counterdrawn, Counterdrew, Counterfaisance, Counterfeit, Counterfeited, Counterfeiter, Counterfeiting, Counterfeitly, Counterfesance, Counterfleury
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary