Vocabulary : Countertime to Countervote

Countertime : The resistance of a horse, that interrupts his cadence and the measure of his manege, occasioned by a bad horseman, or the bad temper of the horse. ;; Resistance; opposition.
Countertrippant : Trippant in opposite directions. See Trippant.
Countertripping : Same as Countertrippant.
Counterturn : The critical moment in a play, when, contrary to expectation, the action is embroiled in new difficulties.
Countervail : To act against with equal force, power, or effect; to thwart or overcome by such action; to furnish an equivalent to or for; to counterbalance; to compensate. ;; Power or value sufficient to obviate any effect; equal weight, strength, or value; equivalent; compensation; requital.
Countervailed : of Countervail
Countervailing : of Countervail
Countervallation : See Contravallation.
Counterview : An opposite or opposing view; opposition; a posture in which two persons front each other. ;; A position in which two dissimilar things illustrate each other by opposition; contrast.
Countervote : To vote in opposition to; to balance or overcome by voting; to outvote.
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