Vocabulary : Coupon to Courap
Coupon : A certificate of interest due, printed at the bottom of transferable bonds (state, railroad, etc.), given for a term of years, designed to be cut off and presented for payment when the interest is due; an interest warrant. ;; A section of a ticket, showing the holder to be entitled to some specified accomodation or service, as to a passage over a designated line of travel, a particular seat in a theater, or the like.Coupstick : A stick or switch used among some American Indians in making or counting a coup.
Coupure : A passage cut through the glacis to facilitate sallies by the besieged.
Courage : The heart; spirit; temper; disposition. ;; Heart; inclination; desire; will. ;; That quality of mind which enables one to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear, or fainting of heart; valor; boldness; resolution.
Courageous : Possessing, or characterized by, courage; brave; bold.