Vocabulary : Court-plaster to Cousinhood
Court-plaster : Sticking plaster made by coating taffeta or silk on one side with some adhesive substance, commonly a mixture of isinglass and glycerin.
Courtship : The act of paying court, with the intent to solicit a favor. ;; The act of wooing in love; solicitation of woman to marriage. ;; Courtliness; elegance of manners; courtesy. ;; Court policy; the character of a courtier; artifice of a court; court-craft; finesse.
Courts-martial : of Court-martial
Courtyard : A court or inclosure attached to a house.
Couscous : A kind of food used by the natives of Western Africa, made of millet flour with flesh, and leaves of the baobab; -- called also lalo.
Couscousou : A favorite dish in Barbary. See Couscous.
Cousin : One collaterally related more remotely than a brother or sister; especially, the son or daughter of an uncle or aunt. ;; A title formerly given by a king to a nobleman, particularly to those of the council. In English writs, etc., issued by the crown, it signifies any earl. ;; Allied; akin.
Cousinage : Relationship; kinship.
Cousin-german : A first cousin. See Note under Cousin, 1.
Cousinhood : The state or condition of a cousin; also, the collective body of cousins; kinsfolk.
: Cousinly, Cousinry, Cousinship, Coussinet, Couteau, Couth, Couvade, Couveuse, Covariant, Cove
: Courtiery, Courting, Court-leet, Courtlike, Courtliness, Courtling, Courtly, Court-martial, Court-martialed, Court-martialing
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary