Vocabulary : Crenelating to Creole
Crenelating : of Crenelate
Crenelation : The act of crenelating, or the state of being crenelated; an indentation or an embrasure.
Crenelle : Alt. of Crenel
Crenelled : Same as Crenate.
Crengle : Alt. of Crenkle
Crenkle : See Cringle.
Crenulate : Alt. of Crenulated
Crenulated : Minutely crenate.
Crenulation : A minute crenation. ;; The state of being minutely scalloped.
Creole : One born of European parents in the American colonies of France or Spain or in the States which were once such colonies, esp. a person of French or Spanish descent, who is a native inhabitant of Louisiana, or one of the States adjoining, bordering on the Gulf of of Mexico. ;; Of or pertaining to a Creole or the Creoles.
: Creole State, Creolean, Creolian, Creosol, Creosote, Creosote bush, Creosoted, Creosoting, Crepance, Crepane
: Cremor, Cremosin, Crems, Crenate, Crenated, Crenation, Crenature, Crenel, Crenelate, Crenelated
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary