Vocabulary : Crepe to Crepuscle
Crepe : Same as Crape. ;; Any of various crapelike fabrics, whether crinkled or not.
Crepitant : Having a crackling sound; crackling; rattling.
Crepitate : To make a series of small, sharp, rapidly repeated explosions or sounds, as salt in fire; to crackle; to snap.
Crepitated : of Crepitate
Crepitating : of Crepitate
Crepitation : The act of crepitating or crackling. ;; A grating or crackling sensation or sound, as that produced by rubbing two fragments of a broken bone together, or by pressing upon cellular tissue containing air. ;; A crepitant rale.
Crepitus : The noise produced by a sudden discharge of wind from the bowels. ;; Same as Crepitation, 2.
Crepon : A thin stuff made of the finest wool or silk, or of wool and silk.
Crept : of Creep ;; of Creep ;; imp. & p. p. of Creep.
Crepuscle : Alt. of Crepuscule
: Crepuscular, Crepuscule, Crepusculine, Crepusculous, Crescence, Crescendo, Crescent, Crescentic, Crescentwise, Crescive
: Creole State, Creolean, Creolian, Creosol, Creosote, Creosote bush, Creosoted, Creosoting, Crepance, Crepane
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary