Vocabulary : Cresol to Crestfallen
Cresol : Any one of three metameric substances, CH3.C6H4.OH, homologous with and resembling phenol. They are obtained from coal tar and wood tar, and are colorless, oily liquids or solids. [Called also cresylic acid.]
Cresorcin : Same as Isorcin.
Cress : A plant of various species, chiefly cruciferous. The leaves have a moderately pungent taste, and are used as a salad and antiscorbutic.
Cresselle : A wooden rattle sometimes used as a substitute for a bell, in the Roman Catholic church, during the latter part of Holy Week, or the last week of Lent.
Cresses : of Cress
Cresset : An open frame or basket of iron, filled with combustible material, to be burned as a beacon; an open lamp or firrepan carried on a pole in nocturnal processions. ;; A small furnace or iron cage to hold fire for charring the inside of a cask, and making the staves flexible.
Cressy : Abounding in cresses.
Crest : A tuft, or other excrescence or natural ornament, growing on an animal's head; the comb of a cock; the swelling on the head of a serpent; the lengthened feathers of the crown or nape of bird, etc. ;; The plume of feathers, or other decoration, worn on a helmet; the distinctive ornament of a helmet, indicating the rank of the wearer; hence, also, the helmet. ;; A bearing worn, not upon the shield, but usually above it, or separately as an ornament for plate, liveries, and the like. It is a relic of the ancient cognizance. See Cognizance, 4. ;; The upper curve of a horse's neck. ;; The ridge or top of a wave. ;; The summit of a hill or mountain ridge. ;; The helm or head, as typical of a high spirit; pride; courage. ;; The ornamental finishing which surmounts the ridge of a roof, canopy, etc. ;; The top line of a slope or embankment. ;; To furnish with, or surmount as, a crest; to serve as a crest for. ;; To mark with lines or streaks, like, or regarded as like, waving plumes. ;; To form a crest.
Crested : of Crest ;; Having a crest. ;; Having a crest of feathers or hair upon the head. ;; Bearing any elevated appendage like a crest, as an elevated line or ridge, or a tuft.
Crestfallen : With hanging head; hence, dispirited; dejected; cowed. ;; Having the crest, or upper part of the neck, hanging to one side; -- said of a horse.
: Cresting, Crestless, Cresylic, Cretaceous, Cretaceously, Cretacic, Cretan, Crete, Cretian, Cretic
: Crepuscular, Crepuscule, Crepusculine, Crepusculous, Crescence, Crescendo, Crescent, Crescentic, Crescentwise, Crescive
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