Vocabulary : Crinoline to Crippling
Crinoline : A kind of stiff cloth, used chiefly by women, for underskirts, to expand the gown worn over it; -- so called because originally made of hair. ;; A lady's skirt made of any stiff material; latterly, a hoop skirt.
Crinose : Hairy.
Crinosity : Hairiness.
Crinum : A genus of bulbous plants, of the order Amaryllidace/, cultivated as greenhouse plants on account of their beauty.
Criosphinx : A sphinx with the head of a ram.
Cripple : One who creeps, halts, or limps; one who has lost, or never had, the use of a limb or limbs; a lame person; hence, one who is partially disabled. ;; Lame; halting. ;; To deprive of the use of a limb, particularly of a leg or foot; to lame. ;; To deprive of strength, activity, or capability for service or use; to disable; to deprive of resources; as, to be financially crippled. ;; Swampy or low wet ground, often covered with brush or with thickets; bog. ;; A rocky shallow in a stream; -- a lumberman's term.
Crippled : of Cripple ;; Lamed; lame; disabled; impeded.
Crippleness : Lameness.
Crippler : A wooden tool used in graining leather.
Crippling : of Cripple ;; Spars or timbers set up as a support against the side of a building.
: Cripply, Crises, Crisis, Crisp, Crispate, Crispated, Crispation, Crispature, Crisped, Crisper
: Crinite, Crinitory, Crinkle, Crinkled, Crinkling, Crinkly, Crinoid, Crinoidal, Crinoidea, Crinoidean
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary