Vocabulary : Cropping to Crosier
Cropping : of Crop
Cropsick : Sick from excess in eating or drinking.
Crop-tailed : Having the tail cropped.
Croquante : A brittle cake or other crisp pastry.
Croquet : An open-air game in which two or more players endeavor to drive wooden balls, by means of mallets, through a series of hoops or arches set in the ground according to some pattern. ;; The act of croqueting. ;; In the game of croquet, to drive away an opponent's ball, after putting one's own in contact with it, by striking one's own ball with the mallet.
Croqueted : of Croquet
Croqueting : of Croquet
Cro-quette : A ball of minced meat, fowl, rice, or other ingredients, highly seasoned, and fried.
Crore : Ten millions; as, a crore of rupees (which is nearly $5,000,000).
Crosier : The pastoral staff of a bishop (also of an archbishop, being the symbol of his office as a shepherd of the flock of God.
: Crosiered, Croslet, Cross, Cross-armed, Cross-banded, Crossbar, Crossbarred, Crossbeak, Crossbeam, Cross-bearer
: Croon, Crooned, Crooning, Crop, Crope, Crop-ear, Crop-eared, Cropful, Cropped, Cropper
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary