Vocabulary : Crotcheted to Crouch
Crotcheted : Marked or measured by crotchets; having musical notation.
Crotchetiness : The state or character of being crotchety, or whimsical.
Crotchety : Given to crotchets; subject to whims; as, a crotchety man.
Croton : A genus of euphorbiaceous plants belonging to tropical countries.
Croton bug : A small, active, winged species of cockroach (Ectobia Germanica), the water bug. It is common aboard ships, and in houses in cities, esp. in those with hot-water pipes.
Crotonic : Of or pertaining to, or derived from, a plant of the genus Croton, or from croton oil.
Crotonine : A supposed alkaloid obtained from croton oil by boiling it with water and magnesia, since found to be merely a magnesia soap of the oil.
Crotonylene : A colorless, volatile, pungent liquid, C4H6, produced artificially, and regarded as an unsaturated hydrocarbon of the acetylene series, and analogous to crotonic acid.
Crottles : A name given to various lichens gathered for dyeing.
Crouch : To bend down; to stoop low; to lie close to the ground with the logs bent, as an animal when waiting for prey, or in fear. ;; To bend servilely; to stoop meanly; to fawn; to cringe. ;; To sign with the cross; to bless. ;; To bend, or cause to bend, as in humility or fear.
: Crouched, Crouching, Croud, Crouke, Croup, Croupade, Croupal, Crouper, Croupier, Croupous
: Crotalo, Crotalum, Crotalus, Crotaphite, Crotaphitic, Crotch, Crotch chain, Crotched, Crotches, Crotchet
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary