Vocabulary : Crow's-nest to Croze

Crow's-nest : A box or perch near the top of a mast, esp. in whalers, to shelter the man on the lookout.
Crowstep : See Corriestep.
Crowstone : The top stone of the gable end of a house.
Crowth : An ancient musical instrument. See 4th Crowd.
Crowtoe : The Lotus corniculatus. ;; An unidentified plant, probably the crowfoot.
Crow-trodden : Marked with crow's-feet, or wrinkles, about the eyes.
Croydon : A kind of carriage like a gig, orig. of wicker-work. ;; A kind of cotton sheeting; also, a calico.
Croylstone : Crystallized cawk, in which the crystals are small.
Croys : See Cross, n.
Croze : A cooper's tool for making the grooves for the heads of casks, etc.; also, the groove itself.
Next : Crozier, Croziered, Cruces, Crucial, Crucian carp, Cruciate, Cruciation, Crucible, Crucible steel, Crucifer
Previous : Crownlet, Crownpiece, Crown-post, Crown-saw, Crownwork, Crow-quill, Crows, Crow's-feet, Crow's-foot, Crow-silk
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