Vocabulary : Cruciferous to Crucigerous
Cruciferous : Bearing a cross. ;; Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a family of plants which have four petals arranged like the arms of a cross, as the mustard, radish, turnip, etc.
Crucified : of Crucify
Crucifier : One who crucifies; one who subjects himself or another to a painful trial.
Crucifix : A representation in art of the figure of Christ upon the cross; esp., the sculptured figure affixed to a real cross of wood, ivory, metal, or the like, used by the Roman Catholics in their devotions. ;; The cross or religion of Christ.
Crucifixes : of Crucifix
Crucifixion : The act of nailing or fastening a person to a cross, for the purpose of putting him to death; the use of the cross as a method of capital punishment. ;; The state of one who is nailed or fastened to a cross; death upon a cross. ;; Intense suffering or affliction; painful trial.
Cruciform : Cross-shaped; (Bot.) having four parts arranged in the form of a cross.
Crucify : To fasten to a cross; to put to death by nailing the hands and feet to a cross or gibbet. ;; To destroy the power or ruling influence of; to subdue completely; to mortify. ;; To vex or torment.
Crucifying : of Crucify
Crucigerous : Bearing the cross; marked with the figure of a cross.
: Crud, Cruddle, Crude, Crudely, Crudeness, Crudities, Crudity, Crudle, Crudy, Cruel
: Crozier, Croziered, Cruces, Crucial, Crucian carp, Cruciate, Cruciation, Crucible, Crucible steel, Crucifer
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary