Vocabulary : Cruelly to Cruised
Cruelly : In a cruel manner. ;; Extremely; very.
Cruelness : Cruelty.
Cruels : Glandular scrofulous swellings in the neck.
Cruelties : of Cruelty
Cruelty : The attribute or quality of being cruel; a disposition to give unnecessary pain or suffering to others; inhumanity; barbarity. ;; A cruel and barbarous deed; inhuman treatment; the act of willfully causing unnecessary pain.
Cruentate : Smeared with blood.
Cruentous : Bloody; cruentate.
Cruet : A bottle or vessel; esp., a vial or small glass bottle for holding vinegar, oil, pepper, or the like, for the table; a caster. ;; A vessel used to hold wine, oil, or water for the service of the altar.
Cruise : See Cruse, a small bottle. ;; To sail back and forth on the ocean; to sail, as for the potection of commerce, in search of an enemy, for plunder, or for pleasure. ;; To wander hither and thither on land. ;; A voyage made in various directions, as of an armed vessel, for the protection of other vessels, or in search of an enemy; a sailing to and fro, as for exploration or for pleasure. ;; To inspect forest land for the purpose of estimating the quantity of lumber it will yield. ;; To cruise over or about. ;; To explore with reference to capacity for the production of lumber; as, to cruise a section of land.
Cruised : of Cruise
: Cruiser, Cruising, Cruive, Crull, Cruller, Crumb, Crumbcloth, Crumbed, Crumbing, Crumble
: Crud, Cruddle, Crude, Crudely, Crudeness, Crudities, Crudity, Crudle, Crudy, Cruel
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary