Vocabulary : Cruorin to Crusading
Cruorin : The coloring matter of the blood in the living animal; haemoglobin.
Crup : Short; brittle; as, crup cake. ;; See Croup, the rump of a horse.
Crupper : The buttocks or rump of a horse. ;; A leather loop, passing under a horse's tail, and buckled to the saddle to keep it from slipping forwards. ;; To fit with a crupper; to place a crupper upon; as, to crupper a horse.
Crura : See Crus. ;; of Crus
Crural : Of or pertaining to the thigh or leg, or to any of the parts called crura; as, the crural arteries; crural arch; crural canal; crural ring.
Crus : That part of the hind limb between the femur, or thigh, and the ankle, or tarsus; the shank. ;; Often applied, especially in the plural, to parts which are supposed to resemble a pair of legs; as, the crura of the diaphragm, a pair of muscles attached to it; crura cerebri, two bundles of nerve fibers in the base of the brain, connecting the medulla and the forebrain.
Crusade : Any one of the military expeditions undertaken by Christian powers, in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, for the recovery of the Holy Land from the Mohammedans. ;; Any enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm; as, a crusade against intemperance. ;; A Portuguese coin. See Crusado. ;; To engage in a crusade; to attack in a zealous or hot-headed manner.
Crusaded : of Crusade
Crusader : One engaged in a crusade; as, the crusaders of the Middle Ages.
Crusading : of Crusade ;; Of or pertaining to a crusade; as, a crusading spirit.
: Crusado, Cruse, Cruset, Crush, Crushed, Crusher, Crushing, Crust, Crusta, Crustacea
: Crumpling, Crumpy, Crunch, Crunched, Crunching, Crunk, Crunkle, Crunodal, Crunode, Cruor
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary