Vocabulary : Cryptology to Crystallization
Cryptology : Secret or enigmatical language.
Cryptonym : A secret name; a name by which a person is known only to the initiated.
Cryptopine : A colorless crystalline alkaloid obtained in small quantities from opium.
Crypturi : An order of flying, drom/ognathous birds, including the tinamous of South America. See Tinamou.
Crystal : The regular form which a substance tends to assume in solidifying, through the inherent power of cohesive attraction. It is bounded by plane surfaces, symmetrically arranged, and each species of crystal has fixed axial ratios. See Crystallization. ;; The material of quartz, in crystallization transparent or nearly so, and either colorless or slightly tinged with gray, or the like; -- called also rock crystal. Ornamental vessels are made of it. Cf. Smoky quartz, Pebble; also Brazilian pebble, under Brazilian. ;; A species of glass, more perfect in its composition and manufacture than common glass, and often cut into ornamental forms. See Flint glass. ;; The glass over the dial of a watch case. ;; Anything resembling crystal, as clear water, etc. ;; Consisting of, or like, crystal; clear; transparent; lucid; pellucid; crystalline.
Crystallin : See Gobulin.
Crystalline : Consisting, or made, of crystal. ;; Formed by crystallization; like crystal in texture. ;; Imperfectly crystallized; as, granite is only crystalline, while quartz crystal is perfectly crystallized. ;; Fig.: Resembling crystal; pure; transparent; pellucid. ;; A crystalline substance. ;; See Aniline.
Crystallite : A minute mineral form like those common in glassy volcanic rocks and some slags, not having a definite crystalline outline and not referable to any mineral species, but marking the first step in the crystallization process. According to their form crystallites are called trichites, belonites, globulites, etc.
Crystallizable : Capable of being crystallized; that may be formed into crystals.
Crystallization : The act or process by which a substance in solidifying assumes the form and structure of a crystal, or becomes crystallized. ;; The body formed by crystallizing; as, silver on precipitation forms arborescent crystallizations.
: Crystallize, Crystallized, Crystallizing, Crystallogenic, Crystallogenical, Crystallogeny, Crystallographer, Crystallographic, Crystallographical, Crystallographically
: Cryptogamist, Cryptogamous, Cryptogram, Cryptograph, Cryptographal, Cryptographer, Cryptographic, Cryptographical, Cryptographist, Cryptography
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