Vocabulary : Crystallography to Ctenophora

Crystallography : The doctrine or science of crystallization, teaching the system of forms among crystals, their structure, and their methods of formation. ;; A discourse or treatise on crystallization.
Crystalloid : Crystal-like; transparent like crystal. ;; A body which, in solution, diffuses readily through animal membranes, and generally is capable of being crystallized; -- opposed to colloid. ;; One of the microscopic particles resembling crystals, consisting of protein matter, which occur in certain plant cells; -- called also protein crystal.
Crystallomancy : Divination by means of a crystal or other transparent body, especially a beryl.
Crystallometry : The art of measuring crystals.
Crystallurgy : Crystallization.
Ctenocyst : An organ of the Ctenophora, supposed to be sensory.
Ctenoid : Having a comblike margin, as a ctenoid scale ;; Pertaining to the Ctenoidei. ;; A ctenoidean.
Ctenoidean : Relating to the Ctenoidei. ;; One of the Ctenoidei.
Ctenoidei : A group of fishes, established by Agassiz, characterized by having scales with a pectinated margin, as in the perch. The group is now generally regarded as artificial.
Ctenophora : A class of Coelenterata, commonly ellipsoidal in shape, swimming by means of eight longitudinal rows of paddles. The separate paddles somewhat resemble combs.
Next : Ctenophore, Ctenophoric, Ctenophorous, Ctenostomata, Cub, Cuban, Cubation, Cubatory, Cubature, Cubbed
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