Vocabulary : Curst to Curtailment
Curst : of Curse ;; imp. & p. p. of Curse. ;; Froward; malignant; mischievous; malicious; snarling.
Curstfully : Peevishly; vexatiously; detestably.
Curstness : Peevishness; malignity; frowardness; crabbedness; surliness.
Curt : Characterized by excessive brevity; short; rudely concise; as, curt limits; a curt answer.
Curtail : To cut off the end or tail, or any part, of; to shorten; to abridge; to diminish; to reduce. ;; The scroll termination of any architectural member, as of a step, etc.
Curtail dog : A dog with a docked tail; formerly, the dog of a person not qualified to course, which, by the forest laws, must have its tail cut short, partly as a mark, and partly from a notion that the tail is necessary to a dog in running; hence, a dog not fit for sporting.
Curtailed : of Curtail
Curtailer : One who curtails.
Curtailing : of Curtail
Curtailment : The act or result of curtailing or cutting off.
: Curtain, Curtained, Curtaining, Curtal, Curtal ax, Curtal friar, Curtana, Curtate, Curtation, Curtein
: Cursitating, Cursitor, Cursive, Cursor, Cursorary, Cursores, Cursorial, Cursorily, Cursoriness, Cursory
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary