Vocabulary : Curvilinear to Curvograph

Curvilinear : Consisting of, or bounded by, curved lines; as, a curvilinear figure.
Curvilinearity : The state of being curvilinear or of being bounded by curved lines.
Curvilinearly : In a curvilinear manner.
Curvinerved : Having the ribs or the veins of the leaves curved; -- called also curvinervate and curve-veined.
Curving : of Curve
Curvirostral : Having a crooked beak, as the crossbill.
Curvirostres : A group of passerine birds, including the creepers and nuthatches.
Curviserial : Distributed in a curved line, as leaves along a stem.
Curvity : The state of being curved; a bending in a regular form; crookedness.
Curvograph : An arcograph.
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