Vocabulary : Cuspidated to Custodial
Cuspidated : Having a sharp end, like the point of a spear; terminating in a hard point; as, a cuspidate leaf.
Cuspidor : Any ornamental vessel used as a spittoon; hence, to avoid the common term, a spittoon of any sort.
Cusping : of Cusp
Cuspis : A point; a sharp end.
Cussedness : Disposition to willful wrongdoing; malignity; perversity; cantankerousness; obstinacy.
Cussuetudinary : A manual or ritual of customary devotional exercises.
Custard : A mixture of milk and eggs, sweetened, and baked or boiled.
Custode : See Custodian.
Custodes : of Custos
Custodial : Relating to custody or guardianship.
: Custodian, Custodianship, Custodier, Custody, Custom, Customable, Customableness, Customably, Customarily, Customariness
: Cushiony, Cushite, Cusk, Cuskin, Cusp, Cuspated, Cusped, Cuspid, Cuspidal, Cuspidate
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary