Vocabulary : Cyclical to Cycloid

Cyclical : Of or pertaining to a cycle or circle; moving in cycles; as, cyclical time.
Cyclide : A surface of the fourth degree, having certain special relations to spherical surfaces. The tore or anchor ring is one of the cyclides.
Cycling : of Cycle ;; The act, art, or practice, of riding a cycle, esp. a bicycle or tricycle.
Cyclist : A cycler.
Cyclo- : A combining form meaning circular, of a circle or wheel.
Cyclobranchiate : Having the gills around the margin of the body, as certain limpets.
Cycloganoid : Of or pertaining to the Cycloganoidei. ;; One of the Cycloganoidei.
Cycloganoidei : An order of ganoid fishes, having cycloid scales. The bowfin (Amia calva) is a living example.
Cyclograph : See Arcograph.
Cycloid : A curve generated by a point in the plane of a circle when the circle is rolled along a straight line, keeping always in the same plane. ;; Of or pertaining to the Cycloidei. ;; One of the Cycloidei.
Next : Cycloidal, Cycloidei, Cycloidian, Cyclometer, Cyclometry, Cyclone, Cyclone cellar, Cyclonic, Cyclonoscope, Cyclop
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