Vocabulary : Cymoscope to Cynarrhodium
Cymoscope : Any device for detecting the presence of electric waves. The influence of electric waves on the resistance of a particular kind of electric circuit, on the magnetization of steel, on the polarization of an electrolytic cell, or on the electric condition of a vacuum has been applied in the various cymoscopes.
Cymose : Alt. of Cymous
Cymous : Having the nature of a cyme, or derived from a cyme; bearing, or pertaining to, a cyme or cymes.
Cymric : Welsh. ;; The Welsh language.
Cymry : A collective term for the Welsh race; -- so called by themselves .
Cymule : A small cyme, or one of very few flowers.
Cynanche : Any disease of the tonsils, throat, or windpipe, attended with inflammation, swelling, and difficulty of breathing and swallowing.
Cynanthropy : A kind of madness in which men fancy themselves changed into dogs, and imitate the voice and habits of that animal.
Cynarctomachy : Bear baiting with a dog.
Cynarrhodium : A fruit like that of the rose, consisting of a cup formed of the calyx tube and receptacle, and containing achenes.
: Cynegetics, Cynic, Cynical, Cynically, Cynicalness, Cynicism, Cynoidea, Cynorexia, Cynosural, Cynosure
: Cymenol, Cymidine, Cymiferous, Cymling, Cymogene, Cymograph, Cymoid, Cymometer, Cymophane, Cymophanous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary