Vocabulary : Cypsela to Cysticerce
Cypsela : A one-seeded, one-celled, indehiscent fruit; an achene with the calyx tube adherent.
Cypseliform : Like or belonging to the swifts (Cypselidae.)
Cyrenaic : Pertaining to Cyrenaica, an ancient country of northern Africa, and to Cyrene, its principal city; also, to a school of philosophy founded by Aristippus, a native of Cyrene. ;; A native of Cyrenaica; also, a disciple of the school of Aristippus. See Cyrenian, n.
Cyrenian : Pertaining to Cyrene, in Africa; Cyrenaic. ;; A native or inhabitant of Cyrene. ;; One of a school of philosophers, established at Cyrene by Aristippus, a disciple of Socrates. Their doctrines were nearly the same as those of the Epicureans.
Cyriologic : Relating to capital letters.
Cyrtostyle : A circular projecting portion.
Cyst : A pouch or sac without opening, usually membranous and containing morbid matter, which is accidentally developed in one of the natural cavities or in the substance of an organ. ;; In old authors, the urinary bladder, or the gall bladder. ;; One of the bladders or air vessels of certain algae, as of the great kelp of the Pacific, and common rockweeds (Fuci) of our shores. ;; A small capsule or sac of the kind in which many immature entozoans exist in the tissues of living animals; also, a similar form in Rotifera, etc. ;; A form assumed by Protozoa in which they become saclike and quiescent. It generally precedes the production of germs. See Encystment.
Cysted : Inclosed in a cyst.
Cystic : Having the form of, or living in, a cyst; as, the cystic entozoa. ;; Containing cysts; cystose; as, cystic sarcoma. ;; Pertaining to, or contained in, a cyst; esp., pertaining to, or contained in, either the urinary bladder or the gall bladder.
Cysticerce : Alt. of Cysticercus
: Cysticercus, Cysticule, Cystid, Cystidea, Cystidean, Cystine, Cystis, Cystitis, Cystocarp, Cystocele
: Cyprian, Cyprides, Cyprine, Cyprinodont, Cyprinoid, Cypriot, Cypripedium, Cypris, Cyprus, Cypruslawn
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary