Vocabulary : Dare to Daric

Dare : To have adequate or sufficient courage for any purpose; to be bold or venturesome; not to be afraid; to venture. ;; To have courage for; to attempt courageously; to venture to do or to undertake. ;; To challenge; to provoke; to defy. ;; The quality of daring; venturesomeness; boldness; dash. ;; Defiance; challenge. ;; To lurk; to lie hid. ;; To terrify; to daunt. ;; A small fish; the dace.
Dared : of Dare ;; of Dare ;; of Dare
Dare-devil : A reckless fellow. Also used adjectively; as, dare-devil excitement.
Dare-deviltries : of Dare-deviltry
Dare-deviltry : Reckless mischief; the action of a dare-devil.
Dareful : Full of daring or of defiance; adventurous.
Darer : One who dares or defies.
Darg : Alt. of Dargue
Dargue : A day's work; also, a fixed amount of work, whether more or less than that of a day.
Daric : A gold coin of ancient Persia, weighing usually a little more than 128 grains, and bearing on one side the figure of an archer. ;; A silver coin of about 86 grains, having the figure of an archer, and hence, in modern times, called a daric. ;; Any very pure gold coin.
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