Vocabulary : Darnex to Dartars
Darnex : Alt. of Darnic
Darnic : Same as Dornick.
Darning : of Darn
Daroo : The Egyptian sycamore (Ficus Sycamorus). See Sycamore.
Darr : The European black tern.
Darraign : Alt. of Darrain
Darrain : To make ready to fight; to array. ;; To fight out; to contest; to decide by combat.
Darrein : Last; as, darrein continuance, the last continuance.
Dart : A pointed missile weapon, intended to be thrown by the hand; a short lance; a javelin; hence, any sharp-pointed missile weapon, as an arrow. ;; Anything resembling a dart; anything that pierces or wounds like a dart. ;; A spear set as a prize in running. ;; A fish; the dace. See Dace. ;; To throw with a sudden effort or thrust, as a dart or other missile weapon; to hurl or launch. ;; To throw suddenly or rapidly; to send forth; to emit; to shoot; as, the sun darts forth his beams. ;; To fly or pass swiftly, as a dart. ;; To start and run with velocity; to shoot rapidly along; as, the deer darted from the thicket.
Dartars : A kind of scab or ulceration on the skin of lambs.
: Darted, Darter, Darting, Dartingly, Dartle, Dartoic, Dartoid, Dartos, Dartrous, Darwinian
: Darkling, Darkly, Darkness, Darksome, Darling, Darlingtonia, Darn, Darned, Darnel, Darner
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary